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Welcome To Kintamani Jeep Or Mount Batur Jeep Sunrise

Kintamani Jeep Untuk Lokal

In Indonesian: 
Kintamani Jeep adalah pengalaman tour mendaki gunung batur dengan 4 WD Jeep. Di samping mendaki gunung batur dengan mobil off road Jeep Terbuka anda juga bisa mengelilingi black lava-Black Sand di perut dan kaki Gunung Batur.
Walaupun sebuah pulau kecil, Bali bisa memberikan suprise untuk para pengunjung, mungkin anda satu diantaranya. Tidak dapat di pungkiri bahwa tanpa menyaksikan keindahan matahari terbit yang menakjubkan di puncak Gunung Batur yang masih aktif atau kaldera gunung Batur Kintamani rasanya belum lengkap.
Petualangan Gunung Batur sunrise jeep atau dikenal Kintamani Jeep Tour ini berada di Kecamatan Kintamani,Kabupaten Bangli yang sebagai salah satua tempat paling populer di Bali untuk memulai hari Anda. Perjalanan Anda akan di layani oleh pemandu/sopir yang ramah Dan professional yang akan membawa anda naik mobil 4 WD Jeep ke pertengahan puncak Gunung Batur Bali.
Selama Perjalanan ini, janganlah lupa untuk memakai topi, sarung tangan, celana, dan jaket. Karena cuaca akan gelap dan dingin di sepanjang perjalanan akan anda rasakan. Naik kendaraan 4×4 dengan medan jalan tanah akan anda lalui untuk segera ke titik sunrise mengagumkan di Gunung Batur Bali.
Setelah tiba di puncak atau titik point untuk menyaksikan sunrise mengagumkan, anda akan memiliki cukup waktu untuk rileks dan bertemu teman baru sambil menikmati perbekalan yang anda Bawa. Pengalaman yang indah sambil menunggu matahari yang terbit di balik gunung. Jangan lupa untuk ambil photo-photo keren yang Instagram-worthy. Tentunya akan mendatangkan banyak Like dari keluarga dan kawan-kawan Anda dan juga akan menjadi memori yang tak terlupakan selama anda liburan ke Bali.

In English :
Kintamani Jeep is a tour experience climbing Mount Batur with a 4WD Jeep with Driver. In addition to climbing Mount Batur with an Open Jeep off road car, you can also surround the Black Lava-Black Sand in the belly and foot of Mount Batur.
 Although a small island, Bali can provide a surprise for visitors, maybe you are one of them. It is undeniable that without witnessing the stunning beauty of the sunrise at the top of the still active Mount Batur or the caldera of Mount Batur Kintamani it will not be complete.
 The adventure of Mount Batur sunrise jeep or known as Kintamani Jeep Tour is located in Kintamani District, Bangli Regency which is one of the most popular places in Bali to start your day. Your trip will be served by a friendly and professional guide / driver who will take you in a 4WD Jeep car to the middle of the peak of Mount Batur Bali.
 During this trip, don't forget to wear a hat, gloves, pants, and a jacket,because the weather will be dark and cold along the way you will feel. You will go through a 4×4 vehicle with dirt roads to get to the amazing sunrise point on Mount Batur Bali.
 After arriving at the peak or point to watch the amazing Sunrise, you will have enough time to relax and meet new friends while enjoying the supplies you bring. A wonderful experience while waiting for the sun to rise behind the mountain. Don't forget to take cool Instagram-worthy photos. Of course, it will bring lots of likes from your family and friends and will also be an unforgettable memory during your vacation to Bali.

Mount Batur Jeep Sunrise Itinerary :

03.30 am : Pick Up at The hotel you stay at
05.00 am : Driving to start point at Igloo Glamping Bali
05.10 am : Driving the Jeep to get the Mount Batur Sunrise
05.45 am : Reach the Sunrise Point of Mount Batur Bali
06.30 am : Having Breakfast 
07.00 am : Driving Down to get finish point
08.00 am : Reaching back at finish point Igloo Glamping bali
8.30 am: Back hotel

Kintamani Jeep Prices

  • Mount Batur Jeep sunrise : IDR 250k per person
  • Black Lava and Black sand Jeep Tour : IDR 300k per person
  • Pinggan Sunrise Kintamani Jeep : IDR 250k per person
  • Batur Caldera Sunrise Kintamani Jeep :IDR 300k per person
  • Sukawana Snrise Kintamani Jeep : IDR 300k per person
Price Included : 
  • Driver
  • Gasoline
  • Driver and Jeep
  • Breakfast at Igloo Glamping Bali or at the View point of Sunrise
  • Ticket and tax
Note : 
  • Stay outside of Kintamani the guests must pay an additional fee IDR 450k-600k for pick up and drop off per car ( depending the hotel location you stay at ).
  • The price quote per person for minimum booking 2 person 
  • Single traveller will have additional  
  • Get special price for group booking 
  • Book with WhatsApp Chat +62818343378
  • We require any deposit to confirm the booking.and the rest you can pay cash when we meet at the hotel you stay.

Message Via WhatsApp Chat +62818343378 
  • We require a 30% deposit to confirm the booking. The rest you pay in cash when we meet at the hotel where you stay or after the tour is over.
Cancellation Policy
  • If there is a change such as date or cost of the tour plan, please chat with us via WhatsApp or email and we will cancel your tour without any charge. +62818343378
No Hidden Prices
  • We give you honest & transparent prices and we don't hide any fees. You only pay what we agree to. Price includes Jeep Driver Service, Gasoline, Ticket and Tax Kintamani Jeep will help you get the best experience during your Adventure and see Mount Batur Sunrise, Black Lava and Black Sand around the Caldera Batur Bali. We will take you to the best Sunrise in Kintamani Especially Sunrise Gunung Batur.Recommend places and itineraries for Jeep Tour according to your expectations and we will give you good advice.We will also warn you about the best places to visit and answer all your questions about Kintamani Jeep Tour.We hope you will enjoy the 4WD open Jeep experience with us. Thank you for visiting our website.
Kami memerlukan deposit 30%  untuk mengonfirmasi pemesanan. Siasanya Anda bayarkan tunai saat kami bertemu di hotel tempat Anda menginap atau setelah tour selesai.
  • Kebijakan Pembatalan
Jika ada perubahan seperti tanggal atau biaya rencana tur, silakan chat kami melalui WhatsApp atau email dan kami akan membatalkan tur anda tanpa ada biaya apapun. +62818343378
  • Tidak Ada Harga Tersembunyi
Kami memberi Anda harga yang jujur ​​& transparan dan kami tidak menyembunyikan biaya apa pun. Anda hanya membayar apa yang kami setujui. Harga sudah termasuk Jeep Driver Service, Bensin, Ticket dan Tax

Kintamani Jeep akan membantu Anda mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik selama Petualangan and melihat Sunrise Gunung Batur,Black Lava dan Black Sand di seputaran Caldera Batur Bali. Kami akan membawa Anda ke Sunrise terbaik di Kintamani Terutama Sunrise Gunung Batur.Merekomendasikan tempat dan rencana perjalanan Jeep Tour sesuai harapan Anda dan kami akan memberikan saran yang baik.Kami juga akan memperingatkan Anda tentang tempat terbaik untuk dikunjungi dan menjawab semua pertanyaan Anda tentang Kintamani Jeep Tour.Kami harap Anda akan menikmati Pengalaman naik Jeep terbuka 4WD bersama kami. Terima kasih telah mengunjungi website Kami.


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